The personal information we collect about our tenants and prospective tenants and their guarantors is purely for the purposes of enabling us to provide accommodation.
We use your data to process your tenancy applications and check your eligibility, for example credit, immigration and other referencing checks. We also use your data during the management of your tenancy, for example in arranging repairs, collecting rent,dealing with complaints, maintaining our accounts and records, terminating tenancies and administering tenancy deposits.
Please be assured that, under data protection legislation, we can only process your data “as necessary”. For example, we can only use your bank details with regards to payments and for other very limited purposes.
Be assured, we will only ever share information we hold with third parties where absolutely necessary and, when we do, we must comply with data protection legislation.
Limited information we hold may be shared with contractors and suppliers; utilities and service providers; tradespeople; financial organisations (including banks and insurance companies); debt collection and tracing agents.
In some cases, we may be under a legal obligation to provide information, either because of the law or because of a contractual obligation. It depends on what’s necessary in the circumstances, but we may share your data with public and government bodies; courts; police and law enforcement agencies; taxation authorities; and letting and managing agents.
We may also need to share information with your next of kin in an emergency, with a future owner of the property if we are selling it, or with professional advisers like lawyers and accountants or an advice agency. We also correspond with the tenancy deposit scheme which protects your deposits.
That’s a brief summary of our privacy policy. You can also download our full privacy policy for future reference.